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What does the component do?

A teaser is a preview that is intended to arouse users' curiosity and encourage them to click on further content or pages.

When should the component be used?

  • To highlight and promote content, articles, products or services.
  • To make users aware of further information or interesting content.


  • Use a catchy and inviting headline and a short, interesting description.
  • Do not use too many different teaser types and sizes on one page.
  • Several teasers can be structured with one title.

Sibling Components

Anatomy of the component
Number Type Description Optional Info
1 Component sbb-image No
2 Component sbb-chip Yes
3 Component sbb-title No
4 Text Subtext No


altThis is a paragraph
Anordnung Below After After, centred Chip No Yes Background White Milk Iron Charcoal Black


After Centered
After Centered Chip
After Chip
After With Long Content Chip
Below Chip
Below With Long Content Chip
With Long Text Centered
With Long Text After
With Long Text Below
With Custom Width And Aspect Ratio
With Slots
HTML-Markup kopiert.

The sbb-teaser is a component which can display an image with a caption, and it behaves like a link on user interaction.

Simple teaser example:

  chip-content="Chip label"
  <img slot="image" src="..." alt="400x300" />
  A brief description.


The default slot is reserved for the description. The component displays the image and the title with the self-named slots.
It's also possible to display a sbb-chip using the chip slot.

<sbb-teaser href="https://www.sbb.ch" title-level="2">
  <img slot="image" src="..." alt="400x300" />
  <span slot="chip">Chip label</span>
  <span slot="title">Title</span>
  A brief description.


Using the alignment property, it is possible to change the text position respect to the image.
Possible values are after-centered (default), after and below.

<sbb-teaser href="https://www.sbb.ch" aligment="below"> ... </sbb-teaser>

By default, the image dimensions are set using the width and the aspect ratio.
Default values are 300px and 4/3. Consumers can change these values on their slotted image element.


It's important to set the aria-label on the <sbb-teaser>, which describes the sbb-teaser for screen-reader users.

The description text is wrapped into an <p> element to guarantee the semantic meaning.

Avoid slotting block elements (e.g. <div>) as this violates semantic rules and can have negative effects on screen readers.


Name Attribute Privacy Type Default Description
accessibilityLabel accessibility-label public string | undefined This will be forwarded as aria-label to the inner anchor element.
alignment alignment public 'after-centered' | 'after' | 'below' 'after-centered' Teaser variant - define the position and the alignment of the text block.
chipContent chip-content public string | undefined Content of chip.
download download public boolean | undefined Whether the browser will show the download dialog on click.
href href public string | undefined The href value you want to link to.
rel rel public string | undefined The relationship of the linked URL as space-separated link types.
target target public LinkTargetType | string | undefined Where to display the linked URL.
titleContent title-content public string | undefined Content of title.
titleLevel title-level public SbbTitleLevel '5' Heading level of the sbb-title element (e.g. h1-h6).


Name Description
Use the unnamed slot to render the description.
chip Slot used to render the sbb-chip label.
image Slot used to render the image.
title Slot used to render the title.
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