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What does the component do?

A card is a flexible container element that combines different types of content and actions in a single block.

When should the component be used?

  • To present related information in a compact way.
  • To bring visual hierarchies and structure to a page.
  • To display content such as text and actions together.


  • The content within a card should be logically related and well structured. The content should be formulated as precisely as possible.
  • If a card has several interactive elements, the click targets should be placed on the interactive elements used. If the card has only one interactive element, the entire card can be used as a click target.

Child Components

Anatomy of the component
Number Type Description Optional Info
1 Slot Beliebiger Inhalt erlaubt No
2 Component sbb-card-badge Yes



%from CHF92.50Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec porttitor blandit odio, ut blandit libero cursus vel. Nunc eu congue mauris. Quisque sed facilisis leo. Curabitur malesuada, nibh ac blandit vehicula, urna sem scelerisque magna, sed tincidunt neque arcu ac justo.

With Card-Link

Buy a ticket%from CHF92.50Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec porttitor blandit odio, ut blandit libero cursus vel. Nunc eu congue mauris. Quisque sed facilisis leo. Curabitur malesuada, nibh ac blandit vehicula, urna sem scelerisque magna, sed tincidunt neque arcu ac justo.
Color Milk White Sizes XS S M L XL XXL Active No Yes Badge No Yes Background White Milk Iron Charcoal Black


Color White
Color Milk
Color Transparent
Color Transparent Bordered Dashed
Size XS
Size S
Size M
Size L
Size XL
Size XXL
Size M With Badge
Size L With Badge
Size XL With Badge
Size XXL With Badge
Size XXXL With Badge
Button Active
Button Active Milk
Button Active Transparent Bordered
Button Active Transparent Bordered Dashed
Button With Sbb Badge
Link With Sbb Badge
Link Active With Sbb Badge
Fixed Height
HTML-Markup kopiert.

The sbb-card component is a generic content container; its task is to contain content related to a single subject.

<sbb-card>Card content</sbb-card>


The content is projected in an unnamed slot.
It's possible to use the component together with the sbb-card-badge and the sbb-card-button/sbb-card-link.

With sbb-card-badge

The sbb-card-badge component can be used to display a badge in the upper right corner.
The badge is hidden with card sizes are xs or s.
For API details, see the sbb-card-badge docs.

<sbb-card size="m" color="white">
    <span>from CHF</span>
  Card content

With sbb-card-button/sbb-card-link

To add an action to a card, add a sbb-card-button or a sbb-card-link to the main slot.
With these components, all the card area becomes clickable.
For API details (mainly accessibility), see the sbb-card-button or
the sbb-card-link docs.

  <sbb-card-link href="https://www.sbb.ch">Check all the wonderful trips available.</sbb-card-link>
  Buy trips

  <sbb-card-button type="submit" form="buy" value="trip">Buy this trip.</sbb-card-button>


It's possible to choose among seven different values for the size property (from xs to xxxl, default m);
the choice mainly affects the content's padding.

<sbb-card size="xs">Card content</sbb-card>
<sbb-card size="s">Card content</sbb-card>
<sbb-card size="m">Card content</sbb-card>
<sbb-card size="l">Card content</sbb-card>
<sbb-card size="xl">Card content</sbb-card>
<sbb-card size="xxl">Card content</sbb-card>
<sbb-card size="xxxl">Card content</sbb-card>

The component has four different values to choose from for the color property; default is white.

<sbb-card color="milk">Card content</sbb-card>
<sbb-card color="transparent-bordered">Card content</sbb-card>
<sbb-card color="transparent-bordered-dashed">Card content</sbb-card>


Normally, a sbb-card should be a single action, however, it's possible to place other interactive elements
in the card content. Interactive content will automatically be detected and made accessible to click / focus.
In cases where there should be only a visual button or link inside the card content without a different action, the
static component should be used (e.g. <sbb-button-static></sbb-button-static>).

Windows High Contrast Notes

In high contrast mode, all the content of a link or a button receives a specific color which overrides every other color.

However, as the content of the card is not directly inside the button or link,
this does not happen when the slotted content has a specific color set.
To improve coloring, it's needed to manually define styles for Window high contrast mode (setting LinkText or ButtonText).


Name Attribute Privacy Type Default Description
color color public | 'white' | 'milk' | 'transparent-bordered' | 'transparent-bordered-dashed' 'white' Option to set the component's background color.
size size public 'xs' | 's' | 'm' | 'l' | 'xl' | 'xxl' | 'xxxl' 'm' Size variant, either xs, s, m, l, xl, xxl or xxxl.


Name Description
Use the unnamed slot to add content to the card.
action Use this slot to render a sbb-card-button or a sbb-card-link component.
badge Use this slot to render a sbb-card-badge component.
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