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What does the component do?

The Table-Wrapper is a wrapper for a table. Its aim is to extend the native table functions.

When should the component be used?

  • When using a native HTML table.
  • If a styled table is required.


  • Whenever a native HTML table is used. Especially if additional functions such as scrolling are required.
Anatomy of the component
Number Type Description Optional Info
1 Table-Header Yes
2 Row No
3 Column No


HTML-Markup kopiert.

The sbb-table-wrapper is a wrapper for a table. Its goal is to enhance/automate the native table capabilities.

Currently, it only handles overflow (vertical and horizontal).

  <table class="sbb-table">


See the Table style section.

The component has a negative variant which can be set with the self-named property.
Note: Due to technical limitations, consumer has to use set the negative property and the sbb-table--negative class.

<sbb-table-wrapper negative>
  <table class="sbb-table sbb-table--negative">


Always provide an accessible label for your tables via aria-label or aria-labelledby on the table element.

  <table class="sbb-table" aria-label="Table caption">


Name Attribute Privacy Type Default Description
negative negative public boolean false Negative coloring variant flag.


Name Description
Use the unnamed slot to add the table.
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