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What does the component do?

An icon is a graphic symbol that is used to visually represent functions, content or actions and improve the user experience.

When should the component be used?

  • To visually support and emphasise functions or actions.
  • To save space and create an intuitive user interface.
  • To make important information or status messages quickly recognisable.
  • To support navigation and improve the findability of content.


  • Icons are available in 3 sizes (24 x 24, 36 x 36 and 48 x 48 pixels). Other sizes are not permitted.
  • The icons are displayed in a line width of 1 pixel. Exceptions are only permitted in the header.
  • Make sure that the size of the icons matches the surrounding font and other elements.
  • Use icons sparingly and only where they actually improve the user experience.
  • If possible, offer a text alternative or tooltip to explain the meaning of the icon.


Icon KOM Icon, small KOM Icon, medium KOM Icon, large Timetable attribute HIM-CUS Icon Product icon Color Black Red Metal Sky White Background White Milk Iron Charcoal Black


HTML-Markup kopiert.

The sbb-icon component provides a solid way of rendering registered and named icons.

The component will dynamically load an SVG for each icon, avoiding multiple requests to the same icon.
The icon components are not tied to specific icon sets; you can register custom namespaces
and then provide the sbb-icon with the name property in the format name="icon-name" or name="namespace:icon-name".

Note that if you do not provide a namespace, the default namespace will be used pointing to the SBB Icons CDN.

<!-- Will use the default namespace -->
<sbb-icon name="app-icon-medium"></sbb-icon>

If using the SBB CDN, ensure that the icon name has the size suffix.
E.g. if in the Design (Figma) the icon is called 'circle-plus', the icon name will be either 'circle-plus-small' or 'circle-plus-medium'.


Similar to an <img> element, an icon alone does not convey any useful information for a screen-reader user.
The user of sbb-icon must provide additional information pertaining to how the icon is used.
Based on the use-cases described below, sbb-icon is marked as aria-hidden="true" by default,
but this can be overridden by adding aria-hidden="false" to the element.

In thinking about accessibility, it is useful to place icon use into one of three categories:

  1. Decorative: the icon conveys no real semantic meaning and is purely cosmetic.
  2. Interactive: a user will click or otherwise interact with the icon to perform some action.
  3. Indicator: the icon is not interactive, but it conveys some information, such as a status.
    This includes using the icon in place of a text inside a larger message.


Name Attribute Privacy Type Default Description
name name public string The provided name consisting of the namespace and the name of the icon. If the namespace is missing, the default namespace "sbb" will be used. E.g. name (will use "sbb" as namespace) or namespace:name.
noSanitize no-sanitize public boolean false When set to true, SVG content that is HTTP fetched will not be checked if the response SVG content has any <script> elements, or any attributes that start with on, such as onclick.

CSS Properties

Name Default Description
--sbb-icon-svg-height auto Can be used to set a custom height.
--sbb-icon-svg-width auto Can be used to set a custom width.
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