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What does the component do?

A chip is a compact, visual element that represents information, input or an action.

When should the component be used?

  • To display short, concise information.
  • To display selected information/options in a form field.
  • To enable interactions such as removing or selecting an option.


  • A chip should be labelled clearly and briefly.
  • The label within the chip must not be too long and must always be displayed in a single line.
  • Chips should have sufficient space between them to enable clear separation and simple operation.
Anatomy of the component
Number Type Description Optional Info
1 Text Label No checked
2 Component sbb-icon Yes Noch nicht implementiert


Color Charcoal Milk Granite White Sizes XXS XS S Background White Milk Iron Charcoal Black


Milk XXS
Milk XS
Milk S
Fixed Width
Fixed Width Long Label
HTML-Markup kopiert.

The sbb-chip is a visual component used to display compact information, like a filter's name or a tag.

<sbb-chip>On sale</sbb-chip>


It's possible to choose among three different values for the size property (s, xs and xxs, which is the default),
and four different values for the color property (charcoal, granite, white and milk, which is the default).

<sbb-chip color="charcoal" size="s">Label</sbb-chip>

<sbb-chip color="granite" size="xs">Label</sbb-chip>

<sbb-chip color="white">Label</sbb-chip>


Name Attribute Privacy Type Default Description
color color public 'milk' | 'charcoal' | 'white' | 'granite' 'milk' Color of the chip.
size size public 'xxs' | 'xs' | 's' 'xxs' Size of the chip.


Name Description
Use the unnamed slot to add content to the sbb-chip.
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