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What does the component do?

A breadcrumb-group is a navigation help that shows users where they are within the hierarchy of a website and makes it easy to jump back to higher-level pages.

When should the component be used?

  • To show the user the current location within the website structure.
  • To enable easy navigation between the levels of the website.
  • To improve usability on pages with deep hierarchies.


  • A breadcrumb group should always start from the home page and display the complete path to the current page
  • The individual levels in the breadcrumb group should be labelled clearly and understandably
  • A breadcrumb-group should not display more than 5-7 levels in order to maintain clarity

Child Components

Anatomy of the component
Number Type Description Optional Info
1a Component sbb-breadcrumb No Nur Icon
1b Component sbb-breadcrumb No Nur Label
2 Component sbb-icon - Dient zur Trennung zweier Breadcrumbs


Collapsed State
HTML-Markup kopiert.

The sbb-breadcrumb-group component is a container for one or more sbb-breadcrumb,
which are meant to represent the hierarchy of visited pages before arriving to the current one.

<sbb-breadcrumb-group aria-label="You are here:">
  <sbb-breadcrumb href="/" icon-name="house-small"></sbb-breadcrumb>
  <sbb-breadcrumb href="/work-with-us"> Work with us </sbb-breadcrumb>
  <sbb-breadcrumb href="/apply" target="_blank"> Apply </sbb-breadcrumb>


If the width of all the nested sbb-breadcrumb exceeds the container width,
only the first and the last breadcrumb are displayed, and a new one with the ellipsis symbol appears between them.
Clicking on this sbb-breadcrumb will make the ellipsis disappear and will restore the full list
(the action is not reversible).


It is strongly recommended to place an aria-label attribute on the sbb-breadcrumb-group, as in the example above,
to describe what context the breadcrumbs have.
Whenever the sbb-breadcrumb list within the component is loaded or updated,
the last element of the list receives the attribute aria-current="page".


Name Description
Use the unnamed slot to add sbb-breadcrumb elements.
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