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Was macht die Komponente?

Ein Slider ermöglicht es Nutzenden, einen Wert oder eine Auswahl innerhalb eines festgelegten Bereichs durch Ziehen eines Schiebereglers einzustellen.

Wann soll die Komponente eingesetzt werden?

  • Um Nutzenden eine einfache und intuitive Möglichkeit zur Einstellung von Werten innerhalb eines bestimmten Bereichs zu bieten.
  • Wenn eine präzise oder schnelle Anpassung eines Wertes erforderlich ist.
  • Um Platz auf der Benutzeroberfläche zu sparen, indem ein interaktives Steuerelement verwendet wird.


  • Verwende Beschriftungen und Icons, um den Wertebereich des Sliders deutlich zu machen.
  • Der Slider soll nur für einfache Wertebereiche (von/bis, schnell/langsam, schwer/leicht) verwendet werden.
  • Der Slider soll nicht als Fortschrittsanzeige eines Prozesses oder Vorgangs eingesetzt werden.
  • Der Slider soll eine visuelle Rückmeldung geben, wenn der Wert geändert wird, z.B. durch Anzeigen des aktuellen Wertes neben dem Slider.
Anatomie der Komponente
Nummer Typ Beschreibung Optional Hinweis
1 Komponente sbb-icon Ja Prefix
2 Komponente Slider Nein
1 Komponente sbb-icon Ja Suffix


Read only Nein Ja Prefix Ja Nein Suffix Ja Nein Hintergrund White Milk Iron Charcoal Black


Sbb Slider
Sbb Slider Change Event
Sbb Slider Without Icons
Sbb Slider Slotted Icons
Sbb Slider Disabled
Sbb Slider Readonly
Sbb Slider In Form Field
Sbb Slider In Form Field No Icon
Sbb Slider In Form Field Disabled
HTML-Markup kopiert.

The sbb-slider is an input component that allows for the selection of a value within a range.

This can be set using the min and max properties (default values are 0 and 100),
while the initial value can be set using the value property (string), or the valueAsNumber (number).
If no value is provided, by default it is set halfway between the minimum and maximum.

<sbb-slider max="5" min="1"></sbb-slider>

<sbb-slider value="0"></sbb-slider>

In sbb-form-field

The component can be used within a sbb-form-field component.

  <sbb-slider value="0"></sbb-slider>


The component can optionally display two sbb-icons at either end;
consumers could set one/both of them using the startIcon and endIcon properties,
or can provide their own using the two slots named prefix and suffix.

<sbb-slider start-icon="circle-minus-small" end-icon="circle-plus-small"></sbb-slider>

  <sbb-icon slot="prefix" name="battery-level-empty-small"></sbb-icon>
  <sbb-icon slot="suffix" name="battery-level-high-small"></sbb-icon>


It is possible to display the component in disabled or readonly state by using the self-named properties.

<sbb-slider disabled></sbb-slider>

<sbb-slider readonly></sbb-slider>


Consumers can listen to the native change event on the sbb-slider component to intercept the input's change event;
the current value can be read from event.target.value or event.target.valueAsNumber.

Keyboard interaction

The sbb-slider has the following behaviour on keypress when focused:

Key Action
Right arrow Increment the slider value by one (or one step).
Up arrow Increment the slider value by one (or one step).
Left arrow Decrement the slider value by one (or one step).
Down arrow Decrement the slider value by one (or one step).
Page up Increment the slider value by ten (or ten steps).
Page down Decrement the slider value by ten (or ten steps).
End Set the value to the maximum.
Home Set the value to the minimum.


Name Attribute Privacy Type Default Description
disabled disabled public boolean false Whether the component is disabled.
endIcon end-icon public string | undefined Name of the icon at component's end, which will be forward to the nested sbb-icon.
form form public string | undefined The
element to associate the inner HTMLInputElement with.
max max public string | undefined '100' Maximum acceptable value for the inner HTMLInputElement.
min min public string | undefined '0' Minimum acceptable value for the inner HTMLInputElement.
name name public string | undefined '' Name of the inner HTMLInputElement.
readonly readonly public boolean | undefined false Readonly state for the inner HTMLInputElement. Since the input range does not allow this attribute, it will be merged with the disabled one.
startIcon start-icon public string | undefined Name of the icon at component's start, which will be forward to the nested sbb-icon.
value value public string | undefined '' Value for the inner HTMLInputElement.
valueAsNumber value-as-number public number | undefined Numeric value for the inner HTMLInputElement.


Name Type Description Inherited From
didChange CustomEvent<void> Deprecated. used for React. Will probably be removed once React 19 is available.
input InputEvent


Name Description
prefix Use this slot to render an icon on the left side of the input.
suffix Use this slot to render an icon on the right side of the input.
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