Skip-Links sind Navigationshilfen, die es Nutzenden ermöglichen, schnell zu wichtigen Inhalten auf einer Seite zu springen, insbesondere für Screenreader-Nutzende und Tastaturnavigation.
Nummer | Typ | Beschreibung | Optional | Hinweis |
1 | Komponente | sbb-block-link | Nein | Es sind mehrere Links in der Liste erlaubt. Nur der jeweils fokussierte Link wird dargestellt. |
The sbb-skiplink-list
is a component that can be used to collect one or more hidden sbb-block-links,
which become visible only when focused, e.g., using the Tab
When the component contains multiple link elements, only one of them is shown (the focused one), while the others stay visually hidden.
It has an optional sbb-title
element, which is visually hidden too, but it's read from screen-readers,
and it can be set using the title-content
<sbb-skiplink-list title-level="2" title-content="Title text">
<sbb-block-link href="">Content</sbb-block-link>
<sbb-block-link href="">Contact</sbb-block-link>
Name | Attribute | Privacy | Type | Default | Description |
titleContent | title-content | public | string | '' | The title text we want to place before the list. |
titleLevel | title-level | public | SbbTitleLevel | '2' | The semantic level of the title, e.g. 2 = h2. |
Name | Default | Description |
--sbb-skiplink-list-z-index | var(--sbb-overlay-default-z-index) | To specify a custom stack order, the z-index can be overridden by defining this CSS variable. The default z-index of the component is set to var(--sbb-overlay-default-z-index) with a value of 1000 . |
Name | Description |
Use the unnamed slot to add sbb-block-link /sbb-block-link-button elements to the sbb-skiplink-list . | |
title | Use this to provide a title for the skiplink-list (optional). |