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Was macht die Komponente?

Sie wird um ein Checkbox-Panel oder einem Radio-Button-Panel gewrappt und bietet die Möglichkeit an für die Panels zusätzlichen Inhalt anzuzeigen.

Wann soll die Komponente eingesetzt werden?

  • Wenn bei einem Checkbox-Panel oder einem Radio-Button-Panel zusätzlich Inhalt (z.B. für Sub-Optionen, Informationen) angezeigt werden soll.


  • Die zusätzlichen Inhalte (pro Panel) können immer angezeit werden oder nur beim gewählten Zustand.
  • Selection-Expansion-Panel sollen nur innerhalb Checkbox-Groups und Radio-Button-Groups eingesetzt werden.
Anatomie der Komponente
Nummer Typ Beschreibung Optional Hinweis
1a Komponente sbb-checkbox-panel Nein
1b Komponente sbb-radio-button-panel Nein
2 Slot Für zusätzlichen Inhalt Nein


LabelSubtextCHF 40.00%
Inner ContentLink
Farbe White Milk Inhalt immer anzeigen Nein Ja Hintergrund White Milk Iron Charcoal Black


With Checkbox
With Radio Button
With Checkbox Checked
With Radio Button Checked
With Checkbox Disabled
With Radio Button Disabled
With Checkbox Checked Disabled
With Radio Button Checked Disabled
With Checkbox Group
With Radio Button Group
With Checkbox Group Force Open
With Radio Button Group Force Open
With Radio Button Group Allow Empty
With Checkbox Group Milk
With Radio Button Group Milk
With Checkbox Borderless
With Radio Button Borderless
With Checkbox Group Milk Borderless
With Radio Button Group Milk Borderless
With Checkboxes Error Message
With Radios Error Message
Tickets Options Example
Nested Radios
Nested Checkboxes
HTML-Markup kopiert.

The sbb-selection-expansion-panel component wraps either a sbb-checkbox-panel
or a sbb-radio-button-panel that can toggle a content section.

The content section can be opened by checking sbb-checkbox-panel or selecting the sbb-radio-button-panel.
Additionally, clicking on all the upper area sets the checked state and therefore opens the content;
clicking on the content area does not toggle anything.

The selection panel can also be used inside a sbb-radio-button-group
or a sbb-checkbox-group.

With sbb-radio-button-group

      <span slot="subtext">Subtext</span>
      <span slot="suffix">
        <span class="sbb-text-xs sbb-text--bold">CHF</span>
        <span class="sbb-text-m sbb-text--bold">40.00</span>
    <div slot="content">Inner Content</div>

With sbb-checkbox-group

      <span slot="subtext">Subtext</span>
      <span slot="suffix">
        <sbb-icon name="cross-small"></sbb-icon>
        <span class="sbb-text-xs sbb-text--bold">CHF</span>
        <span class="sbb-text-m sbb-text--bold">40.00</span>
    <div slot="content">Inner Content</div>


The component has two background options that can be set using the color variable: milk and white (default).

<sbb-selection-expansion-panel color="milk"> ... </sbb-selection-expansion-panel>

It's also possible to display the sbb-selection-expansion-panel without border by setting the borderless variable to true.

<sbb-selection-expansion-panel borderless> ... </sbb-selection-expansion-panel>


Name Attribute Privacy Type Default Description
borderless borderless public boolean false Whether the unselected panel has a border.
color color public 'white' | 'milk' 'white' The background color of the panel.
forceOpen force-open public boolean false Whether the content section is always visible.


Name Type Description Inherited From
didClose CustomEvent<void> Emits whenever the content section is closed.
didOpen CustomEvent<void> Emits whenever the content section is opened.
willClose CustomEvent<void> Emits whenever the content section begins the closing transition.
willOpen CustomEvent<void> Emits whenever the content section starts the opening transition.


Name Description
Use the unnamed slot to add sbb-checkbox or sbb-radio-button elements to the sbb-selection-expansion-panel.
content Use this slot to provide custom content for the panel (optional).
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