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Was macht die Komponente?

Ein Select ermöglicht es Nutzenden, eine Auswahl aus einer Liste mit mehreren Optionen zu treffen.

Wann soll die Komponente eingesetzt werden?

  • Wenn Nutzende eine Auswahl aus einer umfangreichen Liste von Optionen treffen sollen.
  • Um Platz auf der Benutzeroberfläche zu sparen, indem die Optionen in einem Dropdown-Menü verborgen werden.
  • Wenn die Anzahl der Auswahlmöglichkeiten zu gross für Radio-Buttons oder Checkboxen ist.


  • Die Optionen im Select-Menü sollen eindeutig beschriftet und leicht verständlich sein.
  • Verwende eine sinnvolle Standardauswahl, falls dies für den Anwendungsfall relevant ist.

Enthaltene Komponenten

Anatomie der Komponente
Nummer Typ Beschreibung Optional Hinweis
1 Komponente sbb-form-field Nein
1a Standard-HTML input Nein
1b Standard-HTML label Nein
1c Komponente sbb-icon Nein Zeigt Zustand an.
1d Komponente sbb-icon Ja Prefix
2 Komponente sbb-optgroup Ja
2a Text Label Nein
2b Komponente sbb-divider - Erscheint bei einer optgroup
3 Komponente sbb-option Nein
3a Text Value Nein
3b Komponente sbb-icon Ja Zeigt angewählte Option an.


Option 1Option 2Option 3Option 4Option 5
Mehrere Optionen selektierbar Nein Ja Negativ Nein Ja Disabled Nein Ja Read only Nein Ja Hintergrund White Milk Iron Charcoal Black


Single Select
Single Select Negative
Multiple Select
Multiple Select Negative
Single Select With Grouping
Multiple Select With Grouping
Single Select Ellipsis
Multiple Select Ellipsis
Borderless Negative
Borderless Open Above
In Scrollable Container
Disable Option
Disable Option Group
Disable Option Group Negative
Disable Multiple Option
Disable Multiple Option Negative
Keyboard Interaction
HTML-Markup kopiert.

The sbb-select is a component which provides a list of selectable options in an overlay panel,
emulating the behaviour of a native <select>.

In sbb-form-field

If the component is used within a sbb-form-field, it will automatically display the option panel above or below it;
otherwise, the panel takes the component's parent element as origin.
Options or groups of options (see sbb-option /
sbb-option-group components)
can be provided via an unnamed slot.

  <label>Train types</label>
    <sbb-option value="Astoro" selected>Astoro</sbb-option>
    <sbb-option value="Flirt">Flirt</sbb-option>
    <sbb-option value="Domino">Domino</sbb-option>

The component has a value property, which can be a string or a string array (when multiple is set to true).
If no value has been set, it is possible to display a placeholder using the placeholder property.

Also note that if the value is set on the sbb-select, it will override all the selected attributes on the internal sbb-options,
so setting a default value should be done using the value attribute on the sbb-select and not by setting the
selected attribute on the internal sbb-options.


It is possible to display the component in disabled or readonly state by using the self-named properties. The component
has a required property, which can be useful for setting a custom sbb-form-error message within a sbb-form-field.

  <label>Pick one:</label>
  <sbb-select placeholder="1st gen starters">
    <sbb-option value="Bulbasaur">Bulbasaur</sbb-option>
    <sbb-option value="Charmander">Charmander</sbb-option>
    <sbb-option value="Squirtle">Squirtle</sbb-option>
  <sbb-form-error>You must pick one!</sbb-form-error>


If the multiple property is set to false, only one option can be selected:
in this case the placeholder will be replaced by the chosen value and a check mark will appear
on the right of the selected option in the panel.

If the multiple attribute is set to true, a visual checkbox will appear on the left of any option in the panel, and
the selected values will be displayed in selection order, separated by a comma.

  <sbb-select multiple>
    <sbb-optgroup label="Switzerland">
      <sbb-option value="Zurich">Zurich</sbb-option>
      <sbb-option value="Bern">Bern</sbb-option>
      <sbb-option value="Lugano">Lugano</sbb-option>
    <sbb-optgroup label="Italy">
      <sbb-option value="Rome">Rome</sbb-option>
      <sbb-option value="Milan">Milan</sbb-option>


Consumers can listen to the native change/input event on the sbb-select component to intercept the selection's change;
the current value can be read from event.target.value.
Additionally sbb-option will emit optionSelected when selected via user interaction.

Keyboard interaction

Closed panel, sbb-select has focus:

Keyboard Action
Down Arrow or Up Arrow If the sbb-select is neither disabled or readonly, opens the panel.
Enter or Spacebar If the sbb-select is neither disabled or readonly, opens the panel.
Any char or number If exists, select the first non-disabled matching option after the selected value, without opening the panel.

Opened panel:

Keyboard Action
Esc or Tab Closes the panel.
Down Arrow Select the next non-disabled option. If the bottom of the list has been reached, restart from the top. If multiple, move without selecting.
Up Arrow Select the previous non-disabled option. If the top of the list has been reached, restart from the bottom. If multiple, move without selecting.
Home or Page Up Select the first non-disabled option. If multiple, move without selecting.
End or Page Down Select the last non-disabled option. If multiple, move without selecting.
Enter or Spacebar Select the current option and close panel. If multiple, toggle selection (panel stays open).
Shift+Down Arrow If multiple, moves to the next non-disabled option and toggle its selection.
ShiftUp Arrow If multiple, moves to the next non-disabled option and toggle its selection.
Any char or number If exists, select the first non-disabled matching option after the selected value.


Name Attribute Privacy Type Default Description
disabled disabled public boolean false Whether the component is disabled.
multiple multiple public boolean false Whether the select allows for multiple selection.
negative negative public boolean false Negative coloring variant flag.
placeholder placeholder public string | undefined The placeholder used if no value has been selected.
readonly readonly public boolean false Whether the select is readonly.
required required public boolean false Whether the select is required.
value value public string | string[] | undefined The value of the select component. If multiple is true, it's an array.


Name Privacy Description Parameters Return Inherited From
close public Closes the selection panel. void SbbOpenCloseBaseElement
getDisplayValue public Gets the current displayed value. string
open public Opens the selection panel. void SbbOpenCloseBaseElement


Name Type Description Inherited From
change CustomEvent<void> Notifies that the component's value has changed.
didChange CustomEvent<void> Deprecated. used for React. Will probably be removed once React 19 is available.
didClose CustomEvent<void> Emits whenever the sbb-select is closed. SbbOpenCloseBaseElement
didOpen CustomEvent<void> Emits whenever the sbb-select is opened. SbbOpenCloseBaseElement
input CustomEvent<void> Notifies that an option value has been selected.
willClose CustomEvent<void> Emits whenever the sbb-select begins the closing transition. Can be canceled. SbbOpenCloseBaseElement
willOpen CustomEvent<void> Emits whenever the sbb-select starts the opening transition. Can be canceled. SbbOpenCloseBaseElement

CSS Properties

Name Default Description
--sbb-select-z-index var(--sbb-overlay-default-z-index) To specify a custom stack order, the z-index can be overridden by defining this CSS variable. The default z-index of the component is set to var(--sbb-overlay-default-z-index) with a value of 1000.


Name Description
Use the unnamed slot to add options.
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