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Was macht die Komponente?

Sie ist Teil der Dialog-Komponente.

Wann soll die Komponente eingesetzt werden?

  • Nur innerhalb der Dialog-Komponente.

Übergeordnete Komponenten

Anatomie der Komponente
Nummer Typ Beschreibung Optional Hinweis
1 Komponente sbb-dialog-title Nein
1a Komponente sbb-secondary-button Ja Back-Button
1b Komponente sbb-secondary-button Nein
1c Komponente sbb-secondary-button Ja Close-Action
2 Komponente sbb-title Nein
2a Slot Beliebiger Inhalt erlaubt Nein
3 Komponente sbb-dialog-actions Ja
3a Komponente sbb-secondary-button Ja Auch Block-Links sind erlaubt
3b Komponente sbb-button Ja Auch Block-Links sind erlaubt

The sbb-dialog-actions component extends the sbb-action-group component. Use it in combination with the sbb-dialog to display a footer with an action group.

    <sbb-block-link sbb-dialog-close>Link</sbb-block-link>
    <sbb-secondary-button sbb-dialog-close> Cancel </sbb-secondary-button>
    <sbb-button sbb-dialog-close> Confirm </sbb-button>


Name Attribute Privacy Type Default Description
alignGroup align-group public 'start' | 'center' | 'stretch' | 'end' 'start' Set the slotted <sbb-action-group> children's alignment.
buttonSize button-size public SbbButtonSize 'l' Size of the nested sbb-button instances. This will overwrite the size attribute of nested sbb-button instances.
horizontalFrom horizontal-from public SbbHorizontalFrom 'medium' Overrides the behaviour of orientation property.
linkSize link-size public SbbLinkSize 'm' Size of the nested sbb-block-link instances. This will overwrite the size attribute of nested sbb-block-link instances.
orientation orientation public SbbOrientation 'horizontal' Indicates the orientation of the components inside the <sbb-action-group>.


Name Description
Use the unnamed slot to add sbb-block-link or sbb-button elements to the sbb-dialog-actions.
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