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Was macht die Komponente?

Sie ist Teil der Container-Komponente.

Wann soll die Komponente eingesetzt werden?

  • Nur innerhalb der Container-Komponente.

Übergeordnete Komponenten

Anatomie der Komponente
Nummer Typ Beschreibung Optional Hinweis
1 Slot Beliebiger Inhalt erlaubt Nein
2 Komponente sbb-sticky-bar Ja
2a Slot z.B. für Action-Group Nein


Short Content
Short Content Milk
With Content After
Milk Container
Milk Container White Sticky Bar
Milk Container Background Expanded
HTML-Markup kopiert.

The sbb-sticky-bar is a component meant to be slotted inside a sbb-container component.
It is displayed with sticky positioning at the bottom of the container that contains it.

    <!-- Sticky bar content. -->


The sbb-sticky-bar content is provided via an unnamed slot.


The sbb-sticky-bar inherits its variant from the sbb-container it's placed in.
Optionally the user can set the color property on the sbb-sticky-bar in order to override the one inherited by the sbb-container. The color is only applied when the sticky bar is sticking, and will become transparent once it settles on the bottom of the container.


Name Attribute Privacy Type Default Description
color color public 'white' | 'milk' | undefined Color of the container, like transparent, white etc.

CSS Properties

Name Default Description
--sbb-sticky-bar-bottom-overlapping-height 0px Define an additional area where the sticky bar overlaps the following content on the bottom. This area becomes visible when the sticky bar transitions from sticky to the normal document flow.
--sbb-sticky-bar-padding-block var(--sbb-spacing-responsive-xs) Block padding of the sticky bar.
--sbb-sticky-bar-z-index To specify a custom stack order, the z-index can be overridden by defining this CSS variable.


Name Description
Use the unnamed slot to add content to the sticky bar.
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