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Was macht die Komponente?

Das Checkbox-Panel erfüllt die gleiche Aufgabe wie die Checkbox. Zusätzlich zur normalen Checkbox bietet das Checkbox-Panel die Möglichkeit Subtexte, Card-Badges oder Icons darzustellen.

Wann soll die Komponente eingesetzt werden?

  • Um Nutzenden die Möglichkeit zu geben, mehrere unabhängige Optionen auszuwählen.
  • Um eine Ja/Nein- oder Ein/Aus-Auswahl anzubieten.
  • Um Zustimmungen oder Bedingungen zu bestätigen (z.B. Newsletter-Anmeldung).
  • Wenn das Checkbox-Panel besser ins Layout passt als die normale Checkbox.
  • Wenn weitere Inhalte (wie Icons, Texte, Card-Badges) nötig sind, bzw. die Möglichkeiten der normalen Checkbox nicht ausreichen um die Auswahl optimal zu beschreiben.
  • Wenn frei wählbarer Inhalt unterhalb des Checkbox-Panels angezeigt werden soll. Technische Implemenation siehe "Selection-Expansion-Panel".


  • Jedes Checkbox-Panel soll klar beschriftet sein und die Option eindeutig benennen.
  • Gruppen von Checkboxes sollen logisch zusammengefasst werden.
  • Vermeide zu viele Optionen in einer Gruppe, um die Übersichtlichkeit zu bewahren (max. 5-7 Optionen).
  • Vermeide zu viele Inhalte im Checkbox-Panel um die Lesbarkeit und Übersichtlichkeit zu gewährleisten.

Übergeordnete Komponenten

Anatomie der Komponente
Nummer Typ Beschreibung Optional Hinweis
1 Text Label Nein
2 Text Subtext Ja
3 Slot Suffix Ja
3a Komponente sbb-icon Ja
3b Text Ja
4 Komponente sbb-card-badge Ja


LabelSubtextCHF 40.00%
Farbe White Milk Ohne Rahmen Nein Ja Badge Ja Nein Suffix Nein Ja Subtext Nein Ja Hintergrund White Milk Iron Charcoal Black


Default Unchecked
Default Checked
Default Indeterminate
Size S
Disabled Checked
Disabled Unchecked
Disabled Indeterminate
With Form
HTML-Markup kopiert.

The sbb-checkbox-panel component provides the same functionality as a native <input type="checkbox"/> enhanced with the selection panel design and functionalities.


It is possible to provide a label via an unnamed slot;
additionally the slots named subtext can be used to provide a subtext and
the slot named suffix can be used to provide suffix items.
If you use a , the slot badge is automatically assigned.

  <span slot="subtext">Subtext</span>
  <span slot="suffix">Suffix</span>


The component could be checked or not depending on the value of the checked attribute.

<sbb-checkbox-panel value="example-value" checked>Checked state</sbb-checkbox-panel>

It has a third state too, which is set if the indeterminate property is true.
This is useful when multiple dependent checkbox-panels are used
(e.g., a parent which is checked only if all the children are checked, otherwise is in indeterminate state).
Clicking on a sbb-checkbox-panel in this state sets checked to true and indeterminate to false.

<sbb-checkbox-panel value="indeterminate-checkbox-panel" indeterminate="true"
  >Indeterminate state</sbb-checkbox-panel

The component can be disabled by using the disabled property.

<sbb-checkbox-panel value="disabled-checkbox" disabled="true">Disabled</sbb-checkbox-panel>


The component's label can be displayed in bold using the sbb-text--bold class on a wrapper tag:

<sbb-checkbox-panel value="bold">
  <span class="sbb-text--bold">Bold label</span>


Consumers can listen to the native change event on the sbb-checkbox-panel component to intercept the input's change;
the current state can be read from event.target.checked, while the value from event.target.value.


The component provides the same accessibility features as the native checkbox.

Always provide an accessible label via aria-label for checkboxes without descriptive text content.
If you don't want the label to appear next to the checkbox, you can use aria-label to specify an appropriate label.


Name Attribute Privacy Type Default Description
borderless borderless public boolean false Whether the unselected panel has a border.
checked checked public boolean false Whether the checkbox is checked.
color color public 'white' | 'milk' 'white' The background color of the panel.
disabled disabled public boolean false Whether the component is disabled.
form - public HTMLFormElement | null Returns the form owner of internals target element.
group - public SbbCheckboxGroupElement | null null Reference to the connected checkbox group.
indeterminate indeterminate public boolean false Whether the checkbox is indeterminate.
name name public string Name of the form element. Will be read from name attribute.
required required public boolean false Whether the component is required.
size size public SbbCheckboxSize 'm' Label size variant, either m or s.
value value public string | null null Value of the form element.


Name Type Description Inherited From
change Event Event fired on change.
didChange CustomEvent<void> Deprecated. used for React. Will probably be removed once React 19 is available.
input InputEvent Event fired on input.


Name Description
Use the unnamed slot to add content to the sbb-checkbox.
badge Use this slot to provide a sbb-card-badge (optional).
subtext Slot used to render a subtext under the label (only visible within a selection panel).
suffix Slot used to render additional content after the label (only visible within a selection panel).
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