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The SAP guidelines are a work in progress. At the moment it consists of first informations for consistent SBB SAP applications. The foundation for this is the SAP Fiori Design Concept. Further information about this can also be found in the SAP Community.

SBB Theme


The basis to developing SBB SAP applications with consistent user experience forms the SAP Fiori Design Concept. To comply with the guidelines of the SBB brand elements the "SBB Theme" has been defined with the SAP theme designer.

The SBB Theme with integrated SBB logo and modified colour values is available for internal applications on the SAP Fiori Launchpad and SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP).
Contact: DSRV SAP TechOps

To build visual extensions with HTML and CSS for modified user interfaces or themes for specific customer or ERP portals, like the "Immobilien Kunden Cockpit" please contact the SBB Markenführung.


SBB Fiori Portal «Auftragsabwicklung Planung und Steuerung








Icons serve as visual support for topics and actions for the users. To use them in SBB SAP applications the SAP icon font is to be utilised.

Should the existing SAP icon set not suffice, you can ask the UX experts of the Digital Solution or the DSRV UX for new icons in the SAP style.

Independent creation of icons is allowed, but needs to be approved by the SBB Markenführung or the DSRV UX before the icons go in use. As for digital products and apps pay attention that you don't use icons in different line width.



SAP Icon Font Guideline
SAP Icon-Set
SAP Fiori UX approach (accessible with SBB Login)

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