You can think of the design system as a digital construction kit from which you take the components for an interface. In addition, a design system also defines the design language of a brand, e.g. how logo and colors may be used and the underlying design principles.
With a design system, we can efficiently keep SBB's digital presence (both internal and external) consistent across different devices. Design systems are popular: Google, Microsoft, Apple, Twitter and many others also have a design system.
SBB's design system is developed jointly by ESTA Web, the App Bakery, DRSV UX, and brand management.
With the Design System, we offer a component construction kit that covers many but not all needs. If you need specific components that are not available in the design system, you can develop them yourself in your project.
A design system can and should grow, but there are certain constraints. See
The design system can also be used for internal applications. Primarily there is the design system "Web Lean".
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