In a few cases, SBB red cannot be used as the primary color. For example, the color red may only be used in safety-related applications to communicate errors. In these cases, the primary color (Red, Red125, Red150) may be replaced by the following colors:
HEX: #06348B
RGB: R: 6 G: 52 B: 139
HEX: #032668
RGB: R: 3 G: 38 B: 104
HEX: #021C4E
RGB: R: 2 G: 28 B: 78
Please note that this color set may only be used in exceptional cases. It requires clarification with the DSRV UX.
The colors are available in the Figma library, but are not used in the components. However, the colors can be conveniently replaced in Figma using the "Selection Colors" function.
In the Angular Library, the colors can be swapped as follows: