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Which version fits my project?
Access to SBB's Figma Space
Installing the required libraries
Duplicate project template
Join the MS Team Community
Browse, understand, use components
Community-Assets durchstöbern

Which version fits my project? (Mobile / Lean / Web / Lyne)

In my project, we are... This version fits you
... creating a web application for our employees. Lean
... creating a internal app for our employees. Mobile
... creating a native app for our employees. Mobile
... creating a a new website/microsite for our clients. Lyne
... enhance an existing website/microsite for our clients. Web (Legacy)
... creating a native app and a web application for our clients. Lean

Access to SBB's Figma Space

Only internal staff and external staff with an SBB e-mail address have access.
To create or edit designs, you need edit rights or a Figma licence. The costs for this licence are paid by you or your project. We need a PSP element to unlock you. Costs (approx. 540 Euro per year).
Order by email to ux@sbb.ch.

Installing the required libraries

To install the required Libraies, you need to join the team SBB Design Systeme. If you need Lyne components, you need to join the team Lyne.

All libraries are based on the following design token libraries. It is mandatory to activate them:

Depending on the product or platform, you can activate the required libraries:

Duplicate project template


Join the MS Team Community

Not a Figma Hero yet? Join our Figma support group. We will do our best to help you quickly.

Browse, understand, use components

After that you can use components in Figma. It is recommended that you become familiar with the relevant documentation on this page: Lean, Mobile, Lyne, Web (Legacy).

Browse Community Assets

Community assets are assets/artifacts that you have created in your projects and can possibly be used in other projects. With a collection of these assets, others can benefit from your work. It doesn't matter if there is already code or just a concept in a Figma file. In addition to a short description, a contact is always given where you can get in touch for further information. The community assets are contributed and maintained by you. Here you can find out more.

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