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Was macht die Komponente?

Sie wird benötigt um ein Popover darzustellen, bzw. zu triggern.

Wann soll die Komponente eingesetzt werden?

  • Nur in Kombination mit der Popover-Komponente.

Verwandte Komponenten

Anatomie der Komponente
Nummer Typ Beschreibung Optional Hinweis
1 Slot Beliebiger Inhalt erlaubt Nein
2 Komponente sbb-secondary-button Nein
3 Komponente sbb-popover-trigger oder beliebiger Inhalt Nein Wenn kein Icon oder anderer Inhalt angegeben wird, wird das Info-Icon angezeigt.


Tooltip content.
Icon Default Anderes Disabled Nein Ja Hintergrund White Milk Iron Charcoal Black


Icon Size S
Icon Size M
Icon Size L
Custom Content
Icon Size S Negative
Custom Content Negative
Disabled Negative
HTML-Markup kopiert.

The sbb-popover-trigger component is used to trigger a sbb-popover
by pressing or hovering on it.

<sbb-popover-trigger id="popover-trigger"></sbb-popover-trigger>

<sbb-popover trigger="popover-trigger">
  <sbb-title level="2" visual-level="6" style="margin-block-start: 0">Popover title.</sbb-title>
  <p>Popover content.</p>


By default, it renders the sbb-icon named information-circle-small;
it is possible to define a custom icon with the property iconName.
Moreover, it is possible to override the sbb-icon with custom content by slotting it.

<sbb-popover-trigger id="popover-trigger" icon-name="pie-small"> </sbb-popover-trigger>

<sbb-popover trigger="popover-trigger">
  <sbb-title level="2" visual-level="6" style="margin-block-start: 0">Popover title.</sbb-title>
  <p>Popover content.</p>

<sbb-popover-trigger id="popover-trigger2"> Custom Content </sbb-popover-trigger>

<sbb-popover trigger="popover-trigger2">
  <sbb-title level="2" visual-level="6" style="margin-block-start: 0">Popover title.</sbb-title>
  <p>Another popover content.</p>


It is possible to display the component in disabled state by using the self-named properties.

<sbb-popover-trigger id="popover-trigger" disabled></sbb-popover-trigger>

<sbb-popover trigger="popover-trigger">
  <sbb-title level="2" visual-level="6" style="margin-block-start: 0">Popover title.</sbb-title>
  <p>Popover content.</p>


To make screen-readers announce the type of the trigger when is focused,
use the aria-label attribute, as shown below:

<sbb-popover-trigger aria-label="Custom label" id="popover-trigger"></sbb-popover-trigger>

To make screen-readers announce the popover content when the trigger is focused,
associate the popover trigger with the popover via aria-describedby and an id.

<sbb-popover-trigger aria-describedby="popover-content" id="popover-trigger"></sbb-popover-trigger>

<!-- Popover component -->
<sbb-popover id="popover" trigger="popover-trigger">
  <sbb-title level="2" visual-level="6" style="margin-block-start: 0">Popover title.</sbb-title>
  <p id="popover-content">Popover content. <sbb-link id="popover-link">Link</sbb-link></p>


Name Attribute Privacy Type Default Description
disabled disabled public boolean false Whether the component is disabled.
form form public string | undefined The
element to associate the button with.
iconName icon-name public string | undefined The icon name we want to use, choose from the small icon variants from the ui-icons category from here https://icons.app.sbb.ch.
name name public string The name of the button element.
negative negative public boolean false Negative coloring variant flag.
type type public SbbButtonType 'button' The type attribute to use for the button.
value value public string The value of the button element.


Name Description
Use the unnamed slot to add content to the sbb-popover-trigger.
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