Eine Message ist eine Benachrichtigung, die Nutzende über Informationen, Erfolge, Fehler oder andere Ereignisse in der Anwendung informiert. Im Unterschied zur Notification hat Sie keinen Status und keine Möglichkeit sich selbst auszublenden. Sie ist ins Layout integriert und eignet sich für inbesondere für Hinweise innherhalb von Listen.
Nummer | Typ | Beschreibung | Optional | Hinweis |
1 | Komponente | sbb-image | Ja | |
2 | Komponente | sbb-title | Nein | |
3 | Text | Subtitle | Ja | |
4 | Text | Legend | Ja | |
5 | Komponente | sbb-secondary-button | Ja |
Please reload the page or try your search again later.
Error code: 0001
The sbb-message
component can be used to display a complex message.
It renders by default a sbb-title,
which can be provided via titleContent
property or title
Optionally, the user can provide other elements such as a subtitle paragraph via the subtitle
a sbb-image to provide an image via the image
a paragraph to provide an error code via the legend
and a sbb-button to provide a custom action via the action
<sbb-message title-content="Title" title-level="3">
<sbb-image slot="image" [...]></sbb-image>
<p slot="subtitle">Subtitle</p>
<p slot="legend">Error code: 0001</p>
<sbb-button slot="action" [...]>Action</sbb-button>
By default, the sbb-title
has a visual level of 5 and an actual level of 3.
This can be changed by the user via the title-level
As all other elements are regularly slotted, their accessibility relies on the standard techniques provided
by the used components (e.g. alt-text
and aria-label
Name | Attribute | Privacy | Type | Default | Description |
titleContent | title-content | public | string | '' | Content of title. |
titleLevel | title-level | public | SbbTitleLevel | '3' | Level of title, it will be rendered as heading tag (e.g., h3). Defaults to level 3. |
Name | Description |
action | Use this slot to provide a sbb-button. |
image | Use this slot to provide a sbb-image component. |
legend | Use this slot to provide a legend, must be a paragraph. |
subtitle | Use this slot to provide a subtitle, must be a paragraph. |
title | Use this slot to provide title text for the component. |