Eine Action-Group ist eine Gruppe von Elementen wie Buttons und Links, die zusammen angeordnet werden, um verwandte Aktionen zu bündeln und eine einheitliche Bedienung zu ermöglichen.
Nummer | Typ | Beschreibung | Optional | Hinweis |
1 | Slot | Erlaubt sind alle Button- und Link-Varianten | Nein | |
2 | Slot | Erlaubt sind alle Button- und Link-Varianten | Nein | |
3 | Slot | Erlaubt sind alle Button- und Link-Varianten | Ja |
Die Action-Group besteht aus zwei oder drei Aktionselementen (Button oder Link). Die Varianten der Button oder Links sind frei wählbar.
The sbb-action-group
component is a generic content container which can contain up to three action items
(sbb-button or sbb-block-link or other HTML elements)
in various allocations.
The orientation
property is used to set item's orientation.
Possible values are horizontal
(default) and vertical
The optional property horizontalFrom
can be used in combination with orientation='vertical'
indicate the minimum breakpoint from which the orientation changes to horizontal
<sbb-action-group orientation="vertical" horizontal-from="small">
<sbb-secondary-button>Action 1</sbb-secondary-button>
<sbb-button>Action 2</sbb-button>
Action 3
The two props button-size
and link-size
can be used to override, respectively, the size of the inner sbb-button
and sbb-block-link
The accepted values are s
, m
and l
(default) for sbb-button
and xs
, s
and m
(default) for sbb-block-link
<sbb-action-group button-size="m" link-size="s">
<sbb-secondary-button>Action 1</sbb-secondary-button>
Action 3
The align-group
property can be used to set the default alignment of the contained elements;
possible values are start
, center
, stretch
and end
It is also possible to set the align-self
attribute on action items in order to move them in the
opposite direction to the group; possible values are start
, center
or end
NOTE: The sbb-action-group
will only accept block-link
and will sync the linkSize
property with nested sbb-block-link
and the buttonSize
property with the nested sbb-button
<sbb-action-group align-group="end">
<sbb-secondary-button align-self="start">Action 1</sbb-secondary-button>
<sbb-secondary-button>Action 2</sbb-secondary-button>
<sbb-button>Action 3</sbb-button>
Items can be displayed inside sbb-action-group
in different allocations.
If we define the triad x-y-z as the number of elements aligned at the start, at the center and at the end of the component,
and we consider a template like the following one (possibly removing the link for 2-elements allocations):
<sbb-button>Button 1</sbb-button>
<sbb-button>Button 2</sbb-button>
The values for align-group
and align-self
for the various allocations are as follows:
orientation='horizontal' | align-group | align-self |
3-0-0 | start | / |
1-1-1 | start | Button 2: 'center' |
2-0-1 | start | Link: 'end' |
1-0-2 | end | Button 1: 'start' |
2-0-0 | start | / |
1-0-1 | start | Button 2: 'end' |
orientation='vertical' | align-group | align-self |
3-0-0 | start | / |
2-0-0 | start | / |
0-3-0 | center | / |
0-2-0 | center | / |
0-0-3 | end | / |
0-0-2 | end | / |
orientation='vertical' (full width) | align-group | align-self |
3-0-0 | stretch | Link: 'start' |
2-0-0 | stretch | / |
0-3-0 | stretch | Link: 'center' |
0-2-0 | stretch | / |
0-0-3 | stretch | Link: 'end' |
0-0-2 | stretch | / |
Name | Attribute | Privacy | Type | Default | Description |
alignGroup | align-group | public | 'start' | 'center' | 'stretch' | 'end' | 'start' | Set the slotted <sbb-action-group> children's alignment. |
buttonSize | button-size | public | SbbButtonSize | 'l' / 's' (lean) | Size of the nested sbb-button instances. This will overwrite the size attribute of nested sbb-button instances. |
horizontalFrom | horizontal-from | public | SbbHorizontalFrom | 'medium' | Overrides the behaviour of orientation property. |
linkSize | link-size | public | SbbLinkSize | 'm' / 'xs' (lean) | Size of the nested sbb-block-link instances. This will overwrite the size attribute of nested sbb-block-link instances. |
orientation | orientation | public | SbbOrientation | 'horizontal' | Indicates the orientation of the components inside the <sbb-action-group> . |
Name | Description |
Use the unnamed slot to add sbb-block-link or sbb-button elements to the sbb-action-group . |