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Was macht die Komponente?

Sie ist Teil der Date-Picker-Komponente.

Wann soll die Komponente eingesetzt werden?

  • Nur innerhalb der Date-Picker-Komponente.

Übergeordnete Komponenten

Anatomie der Komponente
Nummer Typ Beschreibung Optional Hinweis
1 Komponente sbb-form-field Nein
1a Standard-HTML input Nein
1b Standard-HTML label Nein
1c Komponente sbb-datepicker-previous-day Ja
1d Komponente sbb-datepicker-toggle Ja
1e Komponente sbb-datepicker-next-day Ja
2 Komponente sbb-datepicker Nein


With Picker
In Form Field
In Form Field Negative
HTML-Markup kopiert.

The sbb-datepicker-toggle is a component
closely connected to the sbb-datepicker.

When the two are used together, the sbb-datepicker-toggle can be used to link the sbb-datepicker
to a sbb-calendar:
a change in the latter, like selecting a date, is propagated to the former; and conversely, changes in the sbb-datepicker
properties, or in the date-picker's input attributes, are propagated to the sbb-calendar to modify its appearance.

The components can be connected using the datePicker property, which accepts the id of the sbb-datepicker,
or directly its reference.

<sbb-datepicker-toggle date-picker="datepicker"></sbb-datepicker-toggle>
<input id="datepicker-input" />
<sbb-datepicker input="datepicker-input" id="datepicker"></sbb-datepicker>

In sbb-form-field

If the two components are used within a sbb-form-field,
they are automatically linked and the sbb-datepicker-toggle will be projected in the prefix slot of the sbb-form-field;
otherwise, they can be connected using the datePicker property as described above.

  <input />

NOTE: Since the component needs the sbb-datepicker to work properly,
both standalone or within the sbb-form-field, they must have the same parent element to be correctly connected.


Name Attribute Privacy Type Default Description
datePicker date-picker public string | SbbDatepickerElement | undefined Datepicker reference.
negative negative public boolean false Negative coloring variant flag.


Name Privacy Description Parameters Return Inherited From
open public Opens the calendar. void
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