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Was macht die Komponente?

Sie ist Teil der Date-Picker-Komponente.

Wann soll die Komponente eingesetzt werden?

  • Nur innerhalb der Date-Picker-Komponente.

Übergeordnete Komponenten

Anatomie der Komponente
Nummer Typ Beschreibung Optional Hinweis
1 Komponente sbb-form-field Nein
1a Standard-HTML input Nein
1b Standard-HTML label Nein
1c Komponente sbb-datepicker-previous-day Ja
1d Komponente sbb-datepicker-toggle Ja
1e Komponente sbb-datepicker-next-day Ja
2 Komponente sbb-datepicker Nein
Demo With Picker
In Form Field
In Form Field Negative
Initial Year Selection
HTML in Zwischenablage kopiert.

The sbb-datepicker-toggle is a component
closely connected to the sbb-datepicker.

When the two are used together, the sbb-datepicker-toggle can be used to link the sbb-datepicker
to a sbb-calendar:
a change in the latter, like selecting a date, is propagated to the former; and conversely, changes in the sbb-datepicker
properties, or in the date-picker's input attributes, are propagated to the sbb-calendar to modify its appearance.

The components can be connected using the datePicker property, which accepts the id of the sbb-datepicker,
or directly its reference.

<sbb-datepicker-toggle date-picker="datepicker"></sbb-datepicker-toggle>
<input id="datepicker-input" />
<sbb-datepicker input="datepicker-input" id="datepicker"></sbb-datepicker>

In sbb-form-field

If the two components are used within a sbb-form-field,
they are automatically linked and the sbb-datepicker-toggle will be projected in the prefix slot of the sbb-form-field;
otherwise, they can be connected using the datePicker property as described above.

  <input />

NOTE: Since the component needs the sbb-datepicker to work properly,
both standalone or within the sbb-form-field, they must have the same parent element to be correctly connected.


Name Attribute Privacy Type Default Description
datePicker date-picker public string | SbbDatepickerElement | undefined Datepicker reference.
negative negative public boolean false Negative coloring variant flag.
view view public CalendarView 'day' The initial view of calendar which should be displayed on opening.


Name Privacy Description Parameters Return Inherited From
open public Opens the calendar. void
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