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Was macht die Komponente?

Sie ist Teil der Header-Komponente.

Wann soll die Komponente eingesetzt werden?

  • Nur innerhalb der Header-Komponente.

Übergeordnete Komponenten

Anatomie der Komponente
Nummer Typ Beschreibung Optional Hinweis
1 Komponente sbb-header-button oder sbb-header-link Nein
1a Komponente sbb-icon Nein
1b Text Label Ja
1c Komponente sbb-menu Ja
2 Komponente sbb-logo Ja


Text einblenden ab Zero Micro Small Medium Large Wide Ultra Nie Hintergrund White Milk Iron Charcoal Black


Sbb Header Action Button
Sbb Header Action Button Multiple
HTML-Markup kopiert.

The component represents a button element contained by the sbb-header component.


It is possible to provide a label via an unnamed slot; the component can optionally display a sbb-icon
at the component start using the iconName property or via custom content using the icon slot.


<sbb-header-button icon-name="pie-small">Another text</sbb-header-button>

If the component's icon is set, the property expandFrom can be used to define the minimum breakpoint
from which the label is displayed; below that, only the icon is visible.

<sbb-header-button expand-from="medium">Text</sbb-header-button>

Button properties

The component is internally rendered as a button,
accepting its associated properties (type, name, value and form).

<sbb-header-button value="menu" name="menu">Button</sbb-header-button>


Name Attribute Privacy Type Default Description
expandFrom expand-from public SbbHorizontalFrom 'medium' Used to set the minimum breakpoint from which the text is displayed. E.g. if set to 'large', the text will be visible for breakpoints large, wide, ultra, and hidden for all the others.
form form public string | undefined The
element to associate the button with.
iconName icon-name public string | undefined The icon name we want to use, choose from the small icon variants from the ui-icons category from here https://icons.app.sbb.ch.
name name public string The name of the button element.
type type public SbbButtonType 'button' The type attribute to use for the button.
value value public string The value of the button element.


Name Description
Use the unnamed slot to add content to the sbb-header-button.
icon Slot used to render the button icon.
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