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Was macht die Komponente?

Ein Kalender ist eine Komponente, die es Nutzenden ermöglicht, Datumsinformationen anzuzeigen und auszuwählen.

Wann soll die Komponente eingesetzt werden?

  • Um Nutzenden eine einfache Möglichkeit zu bieten, Datumsabhänige Informationen wie z.B. Termine zu sehen und zu verwalten.
  • Um die Auswahl von Datumsbereichen für Buchungen oder Planungen zu ermöglichen.
  • Um wiederkehrende Ereignisse und deren Muster darzustellen.


  • Es können einzelne Monate oder ganze Jahre dargestellt werden.
  • Wird der Kalender im Date-Picker eingesetzt, kann nur ein Datum gewählt werden.
  • Wird der Kalender Standalone eingesetzt, so können mehrere Daten gewählt werden.
  • Einzelne Tage können mehrere Stati haben.
Anatomie der Komponente
Nummer Typ Beschreibung Optional Hinweis
1a Tag, Monat, Jahr, gewählt Nein
1b Tag, Monat, Jahr, default Nein
1b Tag, Monat, Jahr, disabled Ja
2 Wochentage Nein
3 Monat/Jahr/Jahre (inkl. Switcher) Nein
4 Vorheriger Monat Ja
5 Nächster Monat Ja


Wide Nein Ja Hintergrund White Milk Iron Charcoal Black


Calendar With Min And Max
Calendar Wide
Calendar Filter Function
HTML-Markup kopiert.

The sbb-calendar component displays a calendar that allows the user to select a date.

While being deeply linked to the implementation of the sbb-datepicker-toggle component,
it can be used on its own.


It's possible to set a date using the dateSelected property. Also, it's possible to place limits on the selection
using the two properties named min and max. For these three properties, the accepted formats are:

  • Date objects
  • ISO String
  • Unix Timestamp (number of seconds since Jan 1, 1970)

It's recommended to set the time to 00:00:00.

<sbb-calendar min="1600000000" max="1700000000" selected="1650000000"></sbb-calendar>

To simulate the current date, you can use the now property,
which accepts a Date or a timestamp in seconds (as number or string).
This is helpful if you need a specific state of the component.


The component displays one month by default; two months can be displayed setting the wide property to true.

<sbb-calendar wide="true" selected="1650000000"></sbb-calendar>

It's also possible to filter out unwanted date using the dateFilter function property.
Note that using the dateFilter function as a replacement for the min and max properties will most likely result in a significant loss of performance.


Consumers can listen to the dateSelected event on the sbb-calendar component to intercept the selected date
which can be read from event.detail.

Keyboard interaction

It's possible to move within the component using the keyboard.

Keyboard Action
Left Arrow Go to previous day.
Right Arrow Go to next day.
Up Arrow Go to the same day in the previous week.
Down Arrow Go to the same day in the next week.
Home Go to the first day of the month.
End Go to the last day of the month.
Page Up Go to the top of the column of the currently selected day.
Page Down Go to the bottom of the column of the currently selected day.


For accessibility purposes, the component is rendered as a native table element and each day is a button.


Name Attribute Privacy Type Default Description
dateFilter date-filter public (date: T | null) => boolean | undefined A function used to filter out dates.
max max public T | null The maximum valid date. Takes T Object, ISOString, and Unix Timestamp (number of seconds since Jan 1, 1970).
min min public T | null The minimum valid date. Takes T Object, ISOString, and Unix Timestamp (number of seconds since Jan 1, 1970).
now now public T null A configured date which acts as the current date instead of the real current date. Recommended for testing purposes.
selected selected public T | null The selected date. Takes T Object, ISOString, and Unix Timestamp (number of seconds since Jan 1, 1970).
wide wide public boolean false If set to true, two months are displayed


Name Privacy Description Parameters Return Inherited From
resetPosition public Resets the active month according to the new state of the calendar. void


Name Type Description Inherited From
dateSelected CustomEvent<T> Event emitted on date selection.
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