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The digital SBB clock is used in web applications or on dynamic customer information channels on the train or at the station. It imitates the motion of the physical SBB clock and adapts its design.


The digital SBB clock must be used exactly as specified. Neither the design nor the motion patterns of the hands may be altered.
The clock should be placed on a solid-colour background; it should not be placed on pictures or graphics. On light backgrounds, the clock face is visually separated from the background using a grey frame; the version without the frame should be used on dark backgrounds.

What does the component do?

The SBB clock gives the system time of the display unit in analogue form. The system time should be taken from a reliable time server, if this can be influenced.

When should the component be used?



The component has the following formats.





The digital clock specifications are available on GitHub.

Github repository
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