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What does the component do?

When should the component be used?



xlarge, light

Image of the xlarge style
Image of the xlarge style

large, light

Image of the large style, light
Image of the large style, light

large, bold

Image of the large style, bold
Image of the large style, bold

medium, light

Image of the large style, light
Image of the large style, light

medium, bold

Image of the large style, bold
Image of the large style, bold

small, light

Image of the large style, light
Image of the large style, light

small, bold

Image of the large style, bold
Image of the large style, bold

xsmall, light

Image of the large style, light
Image of the large style, light

xsmall, bold

Image of the large style, bold
Image of the large style, bold
Find component


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