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1.2.1 (2024-06-27)

Bug Fixes

  • ensure slotchange events are handled correctly in hydration (#2850) (06112a4)
  • missing async/await in tests (#2849) (14dcef4)
  • sbb-clock: treat a specific date consistently (#2838) (4ffa4bc)
  • sbb-visual-checkbox: fix high contrast mode of indeterminate state (#2845) (f7e5adb)

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1.2.0 (2024-06-26)


  • sbb-timetable-row: enhance trip status and display logic (#2680) (6e0424f)

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Unfortunately, this release failed. This release entry is primarily to preserve the correct history. We will soon release a new version.

1.1.0 (2024-06-25)


  • sbb-table-wrapper: initial implementation (#2715) (d6aaf68)

Bug Fixes

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1.0.0 (2024-06-17)

Miscellaneous Chores

First Stable Release 🍾

This is our first stable release. We would like to take this moment to thank everyone involved in this project. Without your efforts, this would not have been possible.

Core Maintainers

  • @jeripeierSBB
  • @DavideMininni-Fincons
  • @dauriamarco
  • @federicoisepponfincons
  • @MarioCastigliano
  • @mcilurzo
  • @simone-sabato
  • @TomMenga


  • @christoph-bittmann
  • @HendrikExtSBB
  • @k-luise
  • @konstantin-pachemski-one
  • @liviakuenzli
  • @mariohamann
  • @osminaz / @WalkingOS
  • @sandrooco
  • @schlpbch
  • @sebastiencloss


  • @4aficiona2
  • @feerglas
  • @mbleuer

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0.53.0 (2024-06-17)


  • sbb-teaser-hero, sbb-teaser-paid: sbb-teaser-hero and sbb-teaser-paid are now part of the @sbb-esta/lyne-elements-experimental package.
  • sbb-tab: the sbb-tab-title component has been renamed to sbb-tab-label. A new component named sbb-tab has been created, and it is now the only supported tag for the tab's content; article, section and div are not supported anymore. To solve the issue #1351, the didChange event on sbb-tab-group now includes an object which contains the currently selected tab index, the sbb-tab-label component and related sbb-tab component, plus, if available, the previous ones.
  • sbb-selection-panel, sbb-checkbox, sbb-radio-button: sbb-selection-panel has been renamed to sbb-selection-expansion-panel. The sbb-checkbox and sbb-radio-button components cannot be used anymore with sbb-selection-expansion-panel (does not apply for cases where they are slotted inside the content slot). As a replacement, we introduce the new components sbb-checkbox-panel and sbb-radio-button-panel, which could also be used standalone in cases where there is no content. sbb-checkbox-group and sbb-radio-button-group also support the panel variants. How to migrate?
    • Rename usages of sbb-selection-panel to sbb-selection-expansion-panel.
    • Inside the sbb-selection-expansion-panel, replace sbb-checkbox with sbb-checkbox-panel and sbb-radio-button with sbb-radio-button-panel (does not apply for cases where they are slotted inside the content slot of the sbb-selection-expansion-panel)
    • In cases where there was no content (slot), don't use sbb-selection-panel/sbb-selection-expansion-panel anymore, but directly use sbb-checkbox-panel or sbb-radio-button-panel.

Bug Fixes

  • sbb-train-formation: hide sectors row if no sectors were defined (#2779) (b011a92)

Code Refactoring

  • sbb-selection-panel, sbb-checkbox, sbb-radio-button: split into regular and panel variants (#2778) (d206926)
  • sbb-tab: align with sbb-stepper (#2744) (4305ca8)
  • sbb-teaser-hero, sbb-teaser-paid: move to @sbb-esta/lyne-elements-experimental (#2782) (1032e76)

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0.52.2 (2024-06-14)

Bug Fixes

  • revert mangle configuration from build (239a6a1)
  • revert split of sbb-checkbox and sbb-radio-button (ebe391f)

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0.52.1 (2024-06-14)


Bug Fixes

  • avoid breaking type declarations due to alias resolution (#2776) (be72249)
  • fix stacked overlays inert mechanism (#2736) (b611271)
  • sbb-breadcrumb: avoid to collapse for two or fewer breadcrumbs (#2733) (ecdb355)

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0.52.0 (2024-06-06)


  • type 'SbbDialogCloseEventDetails' has been renamed to 'SbbOverlayCloseEventDetails'
  • The half-public data-now attribute has become a public now property that can be used to set time or date-based components into a specific state, especially for testing purposes.
    • sbb-calendar, sbb-datepicker, sbb-timetable-row, sbb-journey-summary, sbb-pearl-chain, sbb-pearl-chain-time: change the attribute data-now to now. The property now can be a Date or Unix timestamp. If you had a timestamp in milliseconds before, please divide by 1000 to get seconds.
    • sbb-clock: change the attribute data-now to now. The property now has to be in the format "HH:MM:SS".
  • Lyne components and Lyne components react libraries have been renamed, please update imports accordingly.
    • @sbb-esta/lyne-components => @sbb-esta/lyne-elements
    • @sbb-esta/lyne-components-react => @sbb-esta/lyne-react
      The following components, and their react wrappers, have been moved into @sbb-esta/lyne-elements-experimental and @sbb-esta/lyne-react-experimental respectively:
    • sbb-journey-summary
    • sbb-pearl-chain
    • sbb-pearl-chain-time
    • sbb-pearl-chain-vertical
    • sbb-pearl-chain-vertical-item
    • sbb-timetable-duration
    • sbb-timetable-row
  • sbb-link: Due to screen reader limitations, we had to move the link role inside the Shadow DOM. Therefore, for the following components, replace the [aria-label] usages with [accessibility-label] attribute or accessibilityLabel property:
    • sbb-breadcrumb
    • sbb-button-link, sbb-secondary-button-link, sbb-tertiary-button-link, sbb-transparent-button-link
    • sbb-card-link
    • sbb-header-link
    • sbb-link, sbb-block-link
    • sbb-menu-link
    • sbb-navigation-link
    • sbb-teaser, sbb-teaser-hero, sbb-teaser-paid


Bug Fixes

  • fix lead container tests (d6355dd)
  • prevent stack overflow with attribute changes (#2661) (4b382ed)
  • sbb-alert: improve SSR hydration support (#2650) (1b09429)
  • sbb-block-link: always show underline except for footer links (#2705) (5fbedd2)
  • sbb-button: fix gap between icon and text for size s (#2678) (38efbd8)
  • sbb-datepicker: handle hydration correctly (#2721) (058489a), closes #2691
  • sbb-dialog: fix dialog-content z-index (#2722) (55b3446)
  • sbb-image: render URL correctly with SSR (#2712) (fde1700)
  • sbb-link: fix accessibility by inlining link functionality into Shadow DOM (52344e9)
  • sbb-option: correctly determine highlight state with SSR (#2713) (d2d253c), closes #2689
  • sbb-radio-button: fix checked initialization (#2692) (abdaf43)

Code Refactoring

  • create base class for overlay functionality (#2599) (2059719)
  • rename lyne-components into lyne-elements and create lyne-elements-experimental (edd3a73)

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0.51.1 (2024-05-08)

Bug Fixes

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0.51.0 (2024-05-07)


  • As we split up the former typography.css into smaller consumable modules, we had to change the names of some files.
    • Renamed typography.css to standard-theme.css. Notice: there is still a file called typography.css that contains only a few typography-related outputs. Therefore, import adaption from typography.css to standard-theme.css is mandatory.
    • Changed the name of fullfont.css to font-characters-extension.css.
  • Replaced Roman, Bold, and Light font-face variants with the single SBB font. Using CSS font-weight property automatically selects the correct font family. Migration guide:
    • Replace font-family: "SBBWeb Roman", ... with font-family: "SBB", ... and use font-weight: normal (potentially not necessary as normal is the default).
    • Replace font-family: "SBBWeb Bold", ... with font-family: "SBB", ... and use font-weight: bold or CSS class sbb-text--bold.
    • Replace font-family: "SBBWeb Light", ... with font-family: "SBB", ... and use font-weight: 300.
    • Replace CSS variable --sbb-typo-type-face-sbb-roman with --sbb-typo-font-family and use font-weight: normal (potentially not necessary as normal is the default).
    • Replace CSS variable --sbb-typo-type-face-sbb-bold with --sbb-typo-font-family and use font-weight: bold.
    • Replace CSS variable --sbb-typo-type-face-sbb-light with --sbb-typo-font-family and use font-weight: 300.
  • alert: Removed disable-animation property. Use animation='none' instead.
  • notification: Removed disable-animation property. Use animation='none' instead or depending on the case 'open' or 'close'.
  • disable-animation: Add the sbb-disable-animation CSS class to disable animations for the element and all its children. Consequently, all disable-animation properties of the following components have been removed.
    • Removed disable-animation property from sbb-accordion
    • Removed disable-animation property from sbb-alert
    • Removed disable-animation property from sbb-autocomplete
    • Removed disable-animation property from sbb-datepicker-toggle
    • Removed disable-animation property from sbb-dialog
    • Removed disable-animation property from sbb-expansion-panel
    • Removed disable-animation property from sbb-image
    • Removed disable-animation property from sbb-loading-indicator
    • Removed disable-animation property from sbb-menu
    • Removed disable-animation property from sbb-navigation
    • Removed disable-animation property from sbb-navigation-section
    • Removed disable-animation property from sbb-notification
    • Removed disable-animation property from sbb-overlay
    • Removed disable-animation property from sbb-popover
    • Removed disable-animation property from sbb-select
    • Removed disable-animation property from sbb-selection-panel
    • Removed disable-animation property from sbb-sticky-bar
    • Removed disable-animation property from sbb-toast
    • Removed disable-animation property from sbb-toggle


Bug Fixes

  • enable next.js 14 support and add some upstream fixes (#2613) (341b7ce)
  • prefix all css variable names (#2609) (788cef7)
  • sbb-container: fix background color for nested containers (#2611) (c9f0e0e)
  • sbb-dialog: show all content if header is always present (#2637) (924fa37), closes #2635
  • sbb-image: fix alt attribute and provide css var for aspect-ratio (#2607) (54d3192)
  • sbb-loading-indicator: fix sizes of loading indicator (#2630) (a1270b2)
  • sbb-tab-group: avoid unwanted margin block spaces (#2628) (87d10d8)

Code Refactoring

  • disable-animation: migrate disable-animation mechanism (#2507) (8b91eb8)

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0.50.2 (2024-04-16)

Bug Fixes

  • adapt lyne tokens change (#2582) (94bf4f0)
  • adapt react package import paths missed during migration (#2589) (0781c6a)
  • sbb-overlay: consider sbb-overlay as overlay in inert mechanism (#2588) (4ecc125)
  • sbb-teaser-hero: use auto hyphens for title text to avoid overflow (#2581) (3b8844c)

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0.50.1 (2024-04-15)

Bug Fixes

  • update import paths missed in the migration (#2579) (9c90fa8)

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0.50.0 (2024-04-11)


  • The entry points for the @sbb-esta/lyne-components have changed from extension-less to including the extension (e.g. @sbb-esta/lyne-components/button to @sbb-esta/lyne-components/button.js).
  • sbb-dialog: The sbb-dialog component now needs the dedicated inner elements sbb-dialog-title, sbb-dialog-content, and sbb-dialog-actions. Use these components to respectively provide a title, a content and, optionally, a footer with an action group. Moreover, the full-screen variant (which occurred when no title was provided to the dialog) has been removed. To achieve a full-screen overlay, please use the new sbb-overlay component. As a migration help, consider the following example. Old: <sbb-dialog title-content="Title"><p>Dialog content.</p><sbb-action-group slot="action-group">...</sbb-action-group></sbb-dialog>. New: <sbb-dialog><sbb-dialog-title>Title</sbb-dialog-title><sbb-dialog-content><p>Dialog content</p></sbb-dialog-content><sbb-dialog-actions>...</sbb-dialog-actions></sbb-dialog>. Previously, a full-screen dialog was displayed if no title was provided to the dialog component: <sbb-dialog><p>Dialog content.</p></sbb-dialog>. To achieve the same, it is now mandatory to use the sbb-overlay component: <sbb-overlay><p>Overlay content.</p></sbb-overlay>.
  • Changed several internal class names. Consumers shouldn't be affected.
  • sbb-form-field: The css var --sbb-form-field-height has been renamed to --sbb-form-field-min-height.


Bug Fixes

  • fix boolean handling in react wrapper (#2547) (e4ba04b)
  • sbb-calendar: align month view label (#2564) (0215e00)
  • sbb-dialog: fix accessibility with option to hide the header on scroll (159f536)
  • sbb-dialog: fix z-index (#2572) (374d7b7)
  • sbb-form-error: fix internal css variable name (#2558) (cc275af)
  • set colspan properly (0215e00)
  • use valid import/export syntax (#2563) (585cfc5)

Code Refactoring

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0.49.0 (2024-03-28)


  • sbb-form-field: label property and attribute of <sbb-form-field> was removed. Use <label> tag inside <sbb-form-field> to provide the label information. E.g. <sbb-form-field label="Example">...</sbb-form-field> becomes <sbb-form-field><label>Example</label>...</sbb-form-field>
  • renamed component sbb-screenreader-only to sbb-screeen-reader-only.
  • sbb-calendar: The SbbDatepicker property selectedDate has been renamed to selected. This also applies to the attribute selected-date, which has been renamed to selected. Additionally the DateAdapter (and NativeDateAdapter) have been superficially refactored. An important change is that the month is now 1-based, instead of 0-based.


  • implement experimental support for server side rendering (SSR) (#2466) (3abcc68)

Bug Fixes

  • fix scrollbar styles for Chrome (#2524) (1266a21)
  • sbb-button: remove gap for hidden icons in icon slot (#2526) (433c57c)
  • sbb-form-field: remove label property and attribute (#2523) (602064c)
  • stories with label bold for sbb-checkbox and sbb-radio-button (#2528) (9e85be5)

Code Refactoring

  • rename component name from sbb-screenreader-only to sbb-screeen-reader-only (#2520) (6fbf085)
  • sbb-calendar: implement initial support for other date libraries (6d4e9c2)

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0.48.3 (2024-03-21)

Bug Fixes

  • sbb-checkbox, sbb-toggle-check: enable attribute mutation after form reset (#2505) (6bd8924)
  • sbb-header: fix header shadow on keyboard navigation (#2508) (3eefbea)
  • sbb-navigation-section: ensure sbb-active initializes correctly (#2493) (baede50)

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0.48.2 (2024-03-14)

Bug Fixes

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0.48.1 (2024-03-13)

Bug Fixes

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0.48.0 (2024-03-12)


  • sbb-navigation: The active property of <sbb-navigation-button>/<sbb-navigation-link> (former <sbb-navigation-action>) has been removed. Add the CSS class sbb-active to the corresponding button/link, to mark it as active. Additionally, whenever sbb-active class is set in navigation, the corresponding navigation section, if one is connected, automatically opens.
  • The action element refactoring brings a couple of breaking changes:
    • The following components have been split into two components. One with pure button and one with pure link behavior:
      • sbb-card-action: split in sbb-card-button and sbb-card-link
      • sbb-header-action: split in sbb-header-button and sbb-header-link
      • sbb-menu-action: split in sbb-menu-button and sbb-menu-link
      • sbb-navigation-action: split in sbb-navigation-button and sbb-navigation-link
    • The isStatic flag has been removed from buttons and links; since the static case was automatically detected when action elements were nested in other action elements, now you need to check for usage of nested buttons/links in other action elements and possibly fix them using the new static variants.
    • sbb-button: the variant property has been removed and for each value, a new component has been created (e.g. sbb-button, sbb-secondary-button, sbb-tertiary-button, sbb-transparent-button); each of them has been further divided considering the behavior:
      • If the component was used as a button (no href set), replace it with <sbb{-variant}-button>
      • If the component was used as a link (href set), replace it with <sbb{-variant}-button-link>
      • If the component was nested into another action element (isStatic set), replace it with <sbb{-variant}-button-static>
    • The usage of an icon-only sbb-button in a sbb-form-field is not supported anymore; a new component named sbb-mini-button has been created to handle this specific case
    • Check and replace any sbb-button in sbb-toast with the new sbb-transparent-button/sbb-transparent-button-link, since the variant is not automatically set anymore
    • sbb-link has been split into nine components, based on type and variant:
      • If sbb-link had an [href="..."], it migrates to <sbb{-variant}-link>:
        • <sbb-link href="..."> should be replaced with <sbb-block-link href="...">
        • <sbb-link href="..." variant="block"> should be replaced with <sbb-block-link href="...">
        • <sbb-link href="..." variant="inline" > should be replaced with <sbb-link href="...">
      • If sbb-link did not have an [href="..."], it migrates to <sbb{-variant}-link-button>
        • <sbb-link> should be replaced with <sbb-block-link-button>
        • <sbb-link variant="block"> should be replaced with <sbb-block-link-button>
        • <sbb-link variant="inline"> should be replaced with <sbb-link-button>
      • If sbb-link had an [is-static], it migrates to <sbb{-variant}-link-static>
        • <sbb-link is-static> should be replaced with <sbb-block-link-static>
        • <sbb-link is-static variant="block"> should be replaced with <sbb-block-link-static>
        • <sbb-link is-static variant="inline"> should be replaced with <sbb-link-static>
    • sbb-action-group now only accepts sbb-block-link | sbb-block-link-button besides any <sbb-button> variant
    • sbb-link-list now only accepts sbb-block-link | sbb-block-link-button
    • sbb-skiplink-list now only accepts sbb-block-link | sbb-block-link-button
    • sbb-toast now only accepts sbb-link | sbb-link-button | sbb-transparent-button | sbb-transparent-button-link
    • SASS mixin renamings:
      • link-variables SASS mixin renamed to block-link-variables,
      • link-variables--negative SASS mixin renamed to block-link-variables--negative,
      • link-variables--inline SASS mixin renamed to link-variables,
      • link-variables--inline-negative SASS mixin renamed to link-variables--negative
      • link-inline-consolidation SASS mixin renamed to link-consolidation,
      • link-inline SASS mixin renamed to link,
      • link-inline-negative SASS mixin renamed to link-negative
  • color: Removed 'default' suffix from color tokens (e.g. --sbb-color-iron-default => --sbb-color-iron and SbbColorIronDefault => SbbColorIron).
  • multiple: rename type TitleLevel to SbbTitleLevel


  • button variant refactoring (98ea7f5)
  • implement initial support for SSR (#2437) (39d37ca)
  • increase --sbb-font-size-title-5 for zero to small breakpoints (#2448) (15b786a)
  • sbb-card: introduce new color for active state (#2462) (6553d6b)
  • sbb-checkbox, sbb-toggle-check: introduce native form support (#2456) (c9549a1)
  • sbb-navigation: remove navigation section divider (#2473) (71c1412)
  • sbb-selection-panel: increase border width for active state (#2463) (4c4bf5c), closes #2461
  • sbb-sticky-bar: allow overlapping to the following content (#2459) (9518dfd)
  • sbb-teaser-paid: first implementation (#2434) (68f807a)

Bug Fixes

  • fix imports of common styles (#2475) (fda1960)
  • layout: apply max-width only for ultra screen size (#2458) (cce71b2)
  • sbb-navigation: fix active and focus handling (#2471) (ea81790)
  • sbb-radio-group, sbb-tab-group: avoid incorrect setup if component is invisible during init (#2446) (1586137)
  • sbb-selection-panel: fix transition of border-width (#2468) (8300b7f)
  • sbb-selection-panel: fix transition of border-width [second attempt] (#2469) (942bf45)
  • sbb-status: fix text styling (#2457) (292d316)
  • sbb-teaser: prevent overlapping chip if including long content (#2450) (b78b3ce)


  • multiple: remove undefined type from titleLevel (#2447) (c2532cd)


  • color: remove 'default' suffix from color tokens (77454de)

Code Refactoring

  • sbb-navigation: improve active handling and focus (4f8f309)

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0.47.2 (2024-02-15)

Bug Fixes

  • sbb-container: remove overflowing margin without using overflow (#2427) (42b7da3)
  • sbb-toast: fix default z-index (#2428) (d0927ff)

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0.47.1 (2024-02-15)

Bug Fixes

  • sbb-status: add index export (03349f0)

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0.47.0 (2024-02-14)


  • sbb-image: property noBorderRadius has been replaced by borderRadius which can receive 'default', 'none' and 'round'.


Bug Fixes

  • sbb-pearl-chain-time: use role paragraph for accessibility reasons (#2424) (9009807)

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0.46.3 (2024-02-14)

Bug Fixes

  • react-wrapper: avoid writing classname property on a component (#2421) (1ee492e)
  • sbb-container: container causes interference with overlay components (#2419) (099164c)

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0.46.2 (2024-02-14)

Bug Fixes

  • sbb-map-container: adapt width starting from ultra breakpoint (#2417) (3c55d0c)

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0.46.1 (2024-02-13)

Bug Fixes

  • sbb-select: let promise of update cycle complete (5086cd6)

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0.46.0 (2024-02-12)


  • sbb-popover: Component sbb-tooltip has been renamed to sbb-popover. Component sbb-tooltip-trigger has been renamed to sbb-popover-trigger Attribute sbb-tooltip-close has been renamed to sbb-popover-close. Every CSS tooltip variable has been renamed from --sbb-tooltip-* to --sbb-popover-* (including trigger).

Bug Fixes

  • sbb-popover: rename tooltip to popover and fix accessibility bugs (#2368) (70c1c07), closes #2018
  • sbb-select: wait for shadow DOM readiness before setup when using nextjs (#2409) (fbef967)
  • sbb-sticky-bar: remove unnecessary import to container (#2406) (c935436)

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0.45.0 (2024-02-08)


  • sbb-alert: renamed willPresent event to willOpen and didPresent to didOpen.


  • a11y: implemented a11y tree snapshot function (#2378) (3484e7b)
  • sbb-clock: introduce option to configure color of seconds hand (#2400) (b94d92d)
  • sbb-container: first implementation (#2271) (7403b67)
  • sbb-screenreader-only: initial implementation (#2377) (2e763d4)
  • update journey-summary storybook title (#2390) (3469654)

Bug Fixes

  • multiple: render lists with just one element as span (#2381) (e703be1)
  • sbb-alert: refactor animation to properly work in Safari (#2394) (30bf7c1), closes #2389
  • sbb-calendar: using keyboard navigation loses focus (#2354) (68be709)
  • sbb-form-field: suppress firefox outline for external framework compatibility (#2386) (6374162)
  • sbb-notification: fix accessibility (#2325) (00e9540)
  • sbb-select: hide placeholder when using floating label in HCM (#2399) (dd38d13), closes #2326

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0.44.1 (2024-01-24)

Bug Fixes

  • sbb-header: fix border radius of focus outline in Safari (#2365) (aa409e7)
  • scrollbar: fix track color in nested context (#2363) (82a4ad8)

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0.44.0 (2024-01-22)


  • sbb-teaser: The property isStacked has been removed in favor of alignment. Please see the documentation for further info. The description is not clamped to two lines anymore (responsibility of consumer). The slotted image has now a default width of 300px. The slot, formerly named description, has been replaced by the unnamed slot. Support of nested p elements dropped (invalid html).
  • The following components have been removed: sbb-timetable-barrier-free, sbb-timetable-park-and-rail, sbb-timetable-row-column-headers, sbb-timetable-row-day-change, sbb-timetable-row-header, sbb-timetable-transportation-number, sbb-timetable-transportation-time, timetable-travel-hints.


Bug Fixes

  • sbb-title: move font-smoothing into scss mixin (#2355) (331bac3)

Code Refactoring

  • remove unused components (e3b29eb)

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0.43.14 (2024-01-17)

Bug Fixes

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0.43.13 (2024-01-16)

Bug Fixes

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